October 31, 2009

11/1 Green Technology

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Lightbulb Labeling Proposal
October 31, 2009 at 12:30 pm

Label changes are being proposed for lamps, meaning lightbulbs, to enable more informed decisions by consumers. The facts about energy, brightness, lifecycle, and hazardous materials will be more accessible. ...
... "The proposed package labeling amendments create a two-panel labeling format: a front panel with brightness and energy cost information and a Lighting Facts label with additional information on the side or rear panel. This two-panel approach benefits consumers by providing the most important information in a simple-to-read format on the package front and more detailed information on the side or rear panel. The proposed required disclosures are brightness, energy cost, life, color appearance, wattage, mercury content, and, for non-standard voltage bulbs, voltage information." ...
Via Federal Trade Commission: Appliance Labeling Rule (PDF)

Southwest Airlines Green Team and Green Plane
October 31, 2009 at 8:21 am

Southwest has remade on of their planes, tail # WN222 into a test bed for eco-friendly products. As it is in revenue sservice you may get a chance to check it out! "At Southwest, we are all about innovation ... the paint isn't green, ... you probably can't tell much difference on the interior, but our Green Plane is a "test lab" of eco-friendly products that we are evaluating. ... we hope to be able to reduce the weight of the aircraft by up to five pounds per seat, saving fuel and reducing emissions while being good environmental stewards. ... environmental decisions can also make good business sense ... are the first airline to do something like this. " " ... aircraft, WN222 ... to serve as a test for these eco-friendly products and other future initiatives. ... Green Plane will be in regular revenue service so we can evaluate normal wear and durability. If you're lucky enough to be on the Green Plane, expect a post-flight survey where we ask what you think and how we are doing." See the video ... Via: Southwest Airlines LINK

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