October 23, 2009

10/24 Green Technology

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Green Technology Feed My Inbox

Pennsylvania Hospital Green Trailblazing
October 23, 2009 at 4:24 pm

EPA recognizes Philadelphia-area hospitals for their environmental leadership with a Trailblazer Award. The Pennsylvania Hospital recycles and integrates sustainable farming with healthy eating lifestyle program. ...
... "Pennsylvania Hospital is receiving the award for its extensive recycling program, as well as its healthy organic foods program. The hospital started a weekly farmers market in 2008 for patients, staff and the surrounding community. New in 2009, the hospital introduced the new locally-grown featured produce item in the cafeteria. The item is available for purchase Wednesdays at the market, then served in the cafeteria on Thursdays with the recipe posted so diners can prepare the same dish at home. " ...
Via EPA: Trailblazer Awards

Hospital farmers markets via Philadelphia Business Journal: "Pennsylvania and Jefferson hospitals are also in the second year of their farmers markets, which each set up with the help of the Women's Health & Environmental Network. "

Duke Solar Power Project Collaboration
October 23, 2009 at 1:00 pm

ENN Group and Duke Energy join forces to build utility-scale solar power plants throughout the U.S. ...
... "Under an agreement signed today, ENN and Duke Energy will concentrate on two types of solar photovoltaic designs: large utility-scale solar farms and commercial distributed generation solar projects. Distributed generation systems produce electricity close to where the energy is used, rather than at large, central power plants. " ...
Via Duke Energy: Solar Power Projects Collaboration

San Francisco Accepts Compostables - Green Bin for Compostables
October 22, 2009 at 11:12 pm


3 "recycle" bins

San Francisco now accepts compostable materials as part of its waste stream pick up ... there are now 3 bins:

black = trash
blue = recyclables
green = compostablescompostable items

" ... designed to make recycling easier, reduce waste, and control litter. ... green cart is for all compostable items, such as food scraps and yard trimmings. ... allows San Francisco to ... achieve the state-mandated 50% recycling goal."

Acceptable for composting are food scraps, yard waste, paper and cardboard and select otehr items.  For a complete list see San Francisco COMPOSTABLES".  They accepts more than you would expect ... lots more!

Do you compost?  Why not?

I do (myself in my back yard) and it quickly turns into nice mulch ... 


Via:   San Francisco Recycling LINK








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