October 29, 2009

10/30 Green Technology

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Green Technology Feed My Inbox

SunPower Swanson Awarded Energy Environment Innovation
October 29, 2009 at 9:52 am

Dr. Richard Swanson, the president and chief technical officer of SunPower Corporation, is honored with The Economist's Energy and Environment Innovation Award for 2009 for his contributions to the development of high-efficiency solar photovoltaic cells. ...
... "Swanson is one of the world's most recognized leaders in the advancement of photovoltaics (PV) and a pioneer in commercializing cost-effective PV power systems. In 2006, he was honored with the prestigious Becquerel Prize for Outstanding Merits in Photovoltaics, and in 2002 he was presented with the William R. Cherry Award by the IEEE for outstanding contributions to the PV field. In 1991, Swanson resigned from his faculty position to focus his attention to SunPower Corporation, a company he founded in 1985 to develop and commercialize cost-effective, high-efficiency photovoltaic power systems. SunPower's all-back contact solar cells powered Honda to victory in the 1993 World Solar Challenge, and were also used to power Helios, NASA's high-altitude solar powered airplane to a world-record altitude of 96,500 feet. " ...
Via SunPower Corp: The Economist Energy and Environment Innovation Award for 2009

Tips for a Greener Halloween
October 29, 2009 at 6:22 am

GreenHalloween logo

Help your kids have a green Halloween and help the environment at the same time with these tips from Green Halloween.

" ... nationwide organization that helps kids and parents ... rally their communities to go green on Halloween. It offers great tips for green halloween parties, games, costumes ..."

Here are the tips ... " ... (1) don’t create litter with candy wrappers. Think about how you can use them for a craft project. If you don’t want piece of candy, ... Share it with a friend or save it for later. ... (2) Use a reusable bag for Trick-or-Treating t ... (3) ... don’t drive. Walk or take your bike there instead. ... (4) Istead of buying a a new Halloween costume, see if you can make one out of old stuff instead ...(5) Don’t eat too much candy."


Via:  SustainLane  LINK


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