October 25, 2009

10/26 Green Technology

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Green Technology Feed My Inbox

Energy Efficiency Incentives
October 25, 2009 at 9:32 pm

Cost savings integrated with a sustainable mindset and behaviors can be a powerful incentive to drive family energy efficiency. ...
... "There must be a way to again unite Americans, this time under the mantle of energy efficiency. The only way to bridge the didactic divide between enlightened researchers, tiresomely bureaucratic policy-makers, and working-class families is to provide a legitimate incentive. " ...
Via MIT's The Tech: Truth or Dare?

GM Spark - Electric Car for Under $6000.
October 25, 2009 at 8:24 am

GM Spark

GM is planning to sell an all electric small car in India ...

Read on for more >>>

" ... all-electric Spark will go on sale next year in India ... GM parners with Reva Electric Car Co.  ... plug-in Spark can be re-chargedReva Logo at any standard socket in India, requiring no new infrastructure. That’s what’s limited sales of other alternative-energy cars in India so far...."


Via:  ZDNet  LINK







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