October 30, 2009

10/31 Green Technology

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Calstar Green Building Products
October 30, 2009 at 7:01 am

Calstar logoHere is an interesting approach toi reducing waste and CO2 at the same time.  Using fly ash (waste and high in CO2) to make bricks solves both.

Read about CalStar's  approach >>> 

" ... CalStar directly addresses global climate change and CO2 emissions ... Brick is an energy- and carbon-intensive industry ... U.S. demand for brick is almost 10 billion units in a typical year. At 1.3 pounds of CO2 per brick, the industry footprint equals almost 13 billion pounds of CO2 per year. ..."

 "Our commitment to green extends to product safety ...  to ensure they are safe throughout their lifecycle, from manufacture to placement to use (and reuse) to end-of-life disposal ...  process for making fly ash into bricks binds the materials within a strong crystalline matrix that holds even if exposed to the intense acids found in landfills. ..."

"CalStar ... promotes pragmatic solutions to climate change .... reducing the carbon footprint of cement, the biggest lever for industry has been and continues to be substitution of fly ash for CO2-intensive Ordinary Portland Cement. "


Via:  Calstar  LINK

Solar Installation Training
October 30, 2009 at 12:46 am

DOE spreads investment around the country to enable a training network, content, and facilties for creating the future solar installation workforce. ...
... "The Solar Installer Instructor Training network was launched in October 2009 to address a critical need for high-quality, local, and accessible training in solar system design, installation, sales, and inspection. Solar Installer Instructor Training is a 5-year effort intended to create a geographic blanket of training opportunities in solar installation across the United States. " ...
Via Dept of Energy: Solar Installer Instructor Training Network


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