October 24, 2009

10/25 Green Technology

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Green Technology Feed My Inbox

Rutgers Solar Energy Farm
October 24, 2009 at 10:10 am

Rutgers will celebrate the opening of its campus solar farm on the morning of Tuesday, October 27. ...
... "Rutgers University's 1.4-megawatt solar farm will generate approximately 11 percent of the electrical demand of the university's Livingston Campus and reduce the university's carbon dioxide emissions by more than 1,350 tons per year (the equivalent of removing 230 automobiles from the road). It will save Rutgers more than $200,000 thousand in its first year of operation. " ...
Via Rutgers University: 1.4 Megawatt Solar Energy Project

Rutgers Sustainability Program:

The University created its baseline sustainability assessment in 2007. Rutgers has a stable enrollment, but is challenged by increasing energy use:
... "An analysis of the key sustainability indicators for the University shows that the population of students, faculty, and staff has been relatively stable since 2000. Solid waste disposal, energy usage, water usage, and emissions of greenhouse gases and local air pollutants likewise have held relatively steady during this time period. Like the rest of the nation, electricity use at Rutgers, both in total and per square foot of floor space, has increased. " ...
Via Rutgers University: 2007 Sustainability Report (PDF)


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