October 22, 2009

10/23 Green Technology

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Green Technology Feed My Inbox

Panduit Eco-Enterprise Recognition by Oracle
October 22, 2009 at 5:35 pm

Oracle recognizes Panduit with its Enable the eco-Enterprise award. ...
... "This award recognizes Panduit`s ongoing implementation of innovative, sustainable business practices that leverage Oracle solutions to develop and deploy energy-efficient physical infrastructure solutions. " ...
Via Reuters: Panduit Eco-Enterprise Award

San Jose California - Smart Street Lights
October 22, 2009 at 11:11 am

San Jose California is looking to change street lights to LEDs from traditional bulbs and look at motion controls and other technologies to turn ligts on only when needed. Check out this interesting video of San Jose Mayor Chuck Reed >>> Via: SmartPlanet LINK

Extreme Recycling Movement
October 22, 2009 at 6:19 am

recycvling logoThere is a new "movement" underway in the recycling space - call it extreme recycling ... "... a new movement afoot that is raising the bar on what’s good enough. ... story from the New York Times [Oct. 19, 20009 - Nudging Recycling From Less Waste to None] explains what’s being called the “zero waste” movement ... not only to dispose responsibly of the waste that commercial enterprises create BUT ALSO to drastically reduce the amount of waste... create less garbage, period."

" ... Honda now recycles so much of the trash created at eight of its North American facilities that it has gotten rid of the trash dumpsters at those sites. At Yellowstone National Park, concessions now use cups and utensils that dissolve when heated. ..."


Via:  Smart Planet  LINK



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